
I have a meeting in Thetford tomorrow, so I thought I'd break the journey up by meeting a client in Nottingham, this evening. It was intended to be a social thing but then he asked if he could bring a couple of colleagues, so I had a shave, after all, put on some smart clothes, and set off mid-afternoon.

I'd packed everything into the car and was just about to leave the market square, when I saw this wonderful old tractor reversing back up to one of the shops. I decided to grab a picture whilst being grateful that I was making my journey using something a bit more modern!

As I set off the satnav predicted I'd arrive at twenty to seven, which was perfect. Time to freshen up, hop onto the hotel's wifi, do a bit of email triage and then head out for dinner. Except it didn't quite go like that. I got a new car a couple of months ago and it has a satnav built in that does a lot more clever stuff (allegedly) with rerouting to avoid heavy traffic. Hence I found myself taking a most curious route to Nottingham except that the traffic seemed unavoidable. Every time I looked at the satnav, it seemed my arrival time had slipped back by two minutes.

It would take paragraphs to do justice to the tedium of the journey, aggravated by the irritation at watching my timely arrival transform into tardiness. Suffice to say, it probably would have been as quick to go by tractor. In the end, I rang ahead for a taxi, arrived at the hotel, grabbed my key, and set off for the restaurant without even seeing my room.

When I did finally get there, though, I'm happy to say that I had a splendid evening :-)

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