Sleeping Beauty

2years 247days

Katie's had a busy morning, but an at home morning. She has spent lots of her time playing with her dolls. I love hearing and seeing this happen. She is so loving to them and has quite detailed dialogue with them. Today, she got her and baby ready "to go to the sweetie shop. Oh, but you get sweeties in pass the parcel so lets play pass the parcel instead. That be fun, wouldnt it?". We rearrange her bedroom a bit to give more space to play and she seemed really pleased, played in it for a long while.

We've had a play in the garden, briefly whilst the sun was out - long enough for me to believe it was staying, hang washing out, and it then vanish again.

She's had Free Willy on in the background for some of this morning. She loves the whale and was stood copying when the whale does the performing and when he was dancing, she danced too. Wearing a pretty dress, a tutu, beautiful tights, a tiara, and her green frog wellybobs.

She ate some lunch then rested her head on the sofa and asked me to pat her to sleep. She was off within two minutes, bless her.

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