
2years 248days

We loved today. An extended weekend kind of day- a late celebration of my dad's 65th birthday. We sorted things out at home then got on the train. Katie was as good as always on the train, munching, playing, chatting to one of the people across from us. When we arrived, we went straight to GrannyGrandads and had a bit of a play (Katie with toys, Mummy with Grandad's camera) and a drink before we headed out.

Katie enjoyed the walk over the Esplanade, running along and down the big hill into town, playing chase over the Spa Bridge. We went into town and met my aunt and uncle for lunch at a new restaurant. The service was leisurely, to say the least, and Katie did really well, waiting 45minutes before any food arrived at all. She waited nicely between courses too, and had a little explore after her main course. Funnily enough when her ice cream appeared she returned to the seat.

After lunch, my parents and I headed with her through the paths down to the beach. She ran down all of them excitedly, on a mission to get to her chosen destination. We reached the Foreshore, and once at the beach edge, she ran the whole way down the beach, stopping only to take her shoes off and swoosh her fingers in the sand, before heading straight into the sea. She had a great time, slowly losing items of clothes for more splashing in the sea.

By the time she was dried off and in warm clothes again, it was time for ice cream. We pottered the different places but of course ended up at the Harbour Bar, cant be beaten! We walked back along the Foreshore to head home, and just short of 6pm, she climbed onto my shoulder and fell asleep as we walked.

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