A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Don't panic Mr Mannering!

WW2 evacuee day at school today.

I had a panic attack in J's school today. I was there for a meeting with one of the deputy's and the attendance officer. I was a little apprehensive as I didn't know what to expect but I was essentially fine. And then they kept me waiting for 10mins and there were pictures up of the induction day he didn't go to and lots of Y7s milling around and it kind of came upon me out of nowhere how wrong it was that he wasn't there and I couldn't breathe properly and had to go and sit in the ladies doing some deep breathing. I got myself together just in time for the officer to come and collect me but then lost it again as we went into the deputy's office. As she was having a coughing fit at the time it was all a bit of a disastrous introduction.

Fortunately it all went upwards from there and I'm glad we had the meeting, not least as we hadn't realised how close we were getting to losing his place. And we have a good plan with the school for helping him back when he's ready.

The whole thing shook me a little off kilter for the rest of the day and I'm not sure I've done much productive. But I guess not every day has to be.

Lesley x

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