A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Customer Service

If, after two flights, you are feeling a little tired and can't quite face carrying your suitcase home then not to worry as Air Canada offer a delivery service. I was the chosen recipient of such a service and a mere 18 hours after I arrived at my house so did my suitcase. Well, the second time they tried. The first time they offered me someone else's case which was obviously tempting but I resisted.

I tried to be as philosophical as Carlos who focused on how it was much better than the case making it and me being lost. But apparently my language suggested I wasn't quite feeling it.

Today has been a very homely day with a fabulous welcome home from the kids first thing, a coffee with friends after drop-off, some light shopping to replenish the cupboards and fridge and some laundry. All to the backdrop of one of my new favourite programmes celebrating all that was truly wonderful about the 1980s, The Goldbergs.

Lesley x

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