Tribeca Café

This distinctive New York cab was waiting for us in a new café to augment the already incredible number between Tollcross and Bruntsfield which includes Marchmont.
It seems that every shop conversion transmogrifies into a restaurant or coffee shop. Just when we think the saturation point has been reached, another one pops up with the clientele to fill it. There is a certain similarity to the increase of traffic which instantly fills new roads and bridges.

There seems to be an endless market to satisfy passing coffee drinkers, and not only the elderly retired but young Mums and students. As His Lordship and I sipped our Spartan coffees, we had to watch a youngster with his Mum enjoying pancakes and maple syrup. People indulging in such fare at 10:30 in the morning should be hidden from general viewing behind screens.

And so to M&S for cherries and a Dine in for Two Meal with wine for £10, only twice as much as two coffees. That is value for you.

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