Dog and Sail

I had another visit to the Edinburgh equivalent of Copacabana Beach this morning to meet Tiggy for a coffee.
The sun shone on a restless sea coloured in a banded livery of muted blues and greens.
Despite the easterly wind with a slight edge to it, there were a few people still willing to bare all for a dip in the shallows; we breed them hardy on these northern shores.

Tiggy and I sat outside at the Beach Café and put the world to rights while the ozone worked it's magic on our lungs.
This little yacht was dragged down to water's edge from the holding area behind us and set sail for the choppier water beyond the shore and in no time it was a little white dot far out in the Firth.

His Lordship has asked me to convey his thanks to all of you for the lovely birthday greetings sent to him via Blipfoto yesterday. He would like you to know that he had a most enjoyable day- the quarter of yesterday's blipped cake that he ate and the whole box of chocolates consumed afterwards only added to the pleasure.

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