Ancient Graffiti

Our English Heritage subscription finishes at the end of September, and we haven't yet made up our minds as to whether to renew it or not. In the meantime we thought we may as well visit a few of their properties while we can.
Today it was Kenilworth Castle. Although I've lived only 14 miles from there for much of my life, and I drove past there for about 5 years in the 1970's on my daily commute, I'm ashamed to say that I have never visited it. I guess it's often the same with places virtually on your door-step.
It was fascinating, and well worth a return trip sometime soon - hopefully when it's a bit sunnier. 
If you look to the right there are quite a few old "signatures". On the left hand side of the window they were much older, but  I thought that the rest of the view wasn't as interesting as this one, which shows more of the ruins. 

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