Me and my shadow

After the Village Show (note the capitals....)  today, we walked the boys for 9,500 steps (approximately - I was wearing two pedometers just to see how accurate they were - 9,500 was the average).
I'm afraid that we Blippers let the side down at the Village Show. Between three of us who entered the photography category, we won zilch, zero, zippo, nil nada.  Not even commended or mentioned in despatches. Sorry about that Blip Comrades.  There was myself, Technophobe and LooseCanon. The entry had to be four photos, one of each season. I don't know how we managed to not win a thing between us, but we did (see Technophobe and LooseCanon's blips too). We actually thought ours were good - but then again, we would wouldn't we?
I did however get second prize for my fuchsia - we were all given a tiny fuchsia plant several months ago and had to look after it and enter it into today's show. 
There were loads of categories - children's handwriting, jam, various vegetable classes, cakes, flowers, hand-made items, paintings etc., so something for everyone really.
C was delighted as Technophobe gave him her cake entry when we came to leave, and he said it is scrumptious.
My blip is of us crossing a newly ploughed field (we are on the public footpath) with C in the distance with Hector, and Ziggy looking on jealously. He'd rather be with his dad than with me.  
I've included an extra of the show. My fuchsia is the one almost centre, in the flowery pot with the blue "Second" label.

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