Despite having very good photography intentions today of bringing you something outside of my garden, and despite hauling the great heavy camera everywhere in my handbag... here's a grass seedhead from the front terrace. Proper grass, mind you, not just a weed but blue wheatgrass (or something). I love it, but it's a bit big to get in one shot given my current 105mm obsession, so here's a wee bit of it, and even less of it in focus.
Busy Wednesday today - with me as the sole taxi service since Mr B was waiting in for phone calls (apart from the 9.30 taxi for Miss B which he kindly took care of as I was, well, having a bit of a snooze).
Conor had the whole afternoon at a neighbour's birthday party, which seemed to go very well; and the morning with me buying a birthday present for said neighbour and one for his dad too. Conor is not the best shopper. Somehow he sees nothing for the present recipients but hundreds of things for himself. So the trip was a constant battle of "No you can't have it, but can you see anything for Jao?" Sigh. We ended up coming out of it with two presents and, just about, still on speaking terms. He did come up with a fine present idea for his dad, which we have sadly been unable to put into practice:
"I know what he'd like. A big bowl of curry."
"Well, he does love curry - but how would you wrap it, it might spill?"
"Oh it wouldn't be REAL curry - that would be silly. It would be fake curry."
Katherine (recent convert to the joy of curry) only had one question: "Can you get curry in a bowl?"
Anyway, about the book. Thank you for all being very supportive and interested in the book, and not mocking me too much for the comically short writing time. I think you're all lovely for wanting to read it, but I'm just not quite there yet with the whole thought of being 'a writer' and am not quite ready for anyone to read anything I've written. Obviously those strangers over there can buy it and read it and I hope they'll enjoy it and tell all their friends to buy it too. But you lot, people who I probably want to impress, can't read it until people I don't care about have told me it's ok. Does that make sense? So although I'm sure I'm losing out on sales and word of mouth recommendations, you'll have to hang on.
Anyway, it's a bit rubbish.
No, really, I'm not being modest. I mean, it took two days to write....
I'll do something better next time and tell you where to find it.
*Fingers only a little bit crossed in case the next one is rubbish too.
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