Busy as a bee
But not as busy as this one, which visited every tiny flower on a very large borage plant, some of them twice. I heard the other week that borage had been voted (by bees? perhaps judged, by people) the most popular flower for bees. Certainly was around here today.
Much work struggling with a tricky letter Mr B is writing (the main trouble to be honest was remembering how the review document function works in Word, and some annoyingly fiddly work changing an old letterhead). Also struggling to help Conor to learn his poem for school. The new technique (now he can read) is just to leave him to it - but in a targeted way. So today I did five minutes of weeding while he practised a verse. Made the whole thing much easier than the usual wrestling match.
Also, in rather sadder news, Mr B saw our neighbour's cat with a blue tit in its mouth this morning. I've cut down all the grass and weeds around the bird table in the hope that it will give the cat fewer places to hide, but it put a bit of a downer on the day. And, of course, the birds were steering well clear.
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