Plus ça change...

By SooB

Sunshine and torrential downpours

A mixed day. I sent the kids to school in the usual jeans and long-sleeved t-shirt... and then sent Mr B to pick them up for lunch carrying coats for them. Never seen such rain here, and we've not been short of the stuff. I think about an inch fell in 20 minutes - judging by the state of our terrace. Now, 8.30pm, it is sunny and warm and the birds are singing up a storm. Everything has that fresh earthy smell you get when sunshine hits wet ground.

The birds don't stop feeding except in the heaviest rain, so having deprived you of yesterday's wet tits, here are three slightly soggy ones. It is fun watching the teenage birds learning how to use the feeder. The one on the top spent about 10 minutes staring down the middle of the feeder before figuring out it would be best to climb down the outside. The fat chaffinch continues to sit on the table all day chirping loudly, and a chiffchaff arrived today for a quick look. It's all go here.

In other news, more job applications all round and a small reprieve from the pressure. And in other other news, I am published! But am far to shy to let you read it, even if advertising was allowed. (Anyway, it's a bit rubbish and I've spotted loads of typos already. Sigh. Ok, two typos. Well, bits of punctuation I'm not entirely happy with anyway.)

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