Grand Day Out
The promised rainy day didn't quite materialise today, so we headed up to Albi to explore the city a bit. After a wander around the Cathedral, we had a long lunch (under cover from the only shower of the day) then a long walk alongside the river. I know this shot is a bit bright and odd-looking, but that's how it looked in real life.
The walk was really to fill in time until the art museum opened again after lunch. It's mainly a museum for Toulouse-Lautrec works (he was born here) but I think we were all a little underwhelmed. I only really like his posters, though it was interesting to read about his life. Also, the museum was really dark, so it was actually quite hard to see the paintings well which seemed to defeat the object to me.
Home for more gardening (starting work on the slightly harder large vegetable garden - which doesn't have such good soil).
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