Dahlia grind
Busy day.
Bad start. CarbBoy had a perfect storm of sadness: this weekend's end of year school party falls on fathers' day and all the kids are learning a poem to recite to the Dads. Only his Dad won't be there. And we learned yesterday that when he arrives back a week on Friday, we only have him for two days as on Sunday morning he's off back again. And so he had a few hours off school this morning to facetime his Dad and generally get himself together. And after the call we managed to get him through the poem without tears.
The rest of the day was a blur of preparation for TallGirl's sleepover tomorrow. Whilst in the attic looking for the tent, a call from the garage with a good news/bad news tale about the car. I can't take in the details over the phone so we headed into town to inspect the damage (man, cars are way more complicated once you get the front off than you might imagine). So, it is better than worst case scenario, but worse than best case scenario.
Anyway, little point going into the ins and outs as I have no say in the decision, just all the repercussions to sort out. Plus ça change....
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