Smile to the life
Loooooong day. I have no energy left for smiling to the life, but I'll have a go.
Early start with a list of a thousand things to get done before the girls descended to party the night away in the garden - at TallGirl's camping party.
So, shopping, cleaning, sorting, baking, cooking and finding camping gear, and then a quick trip to the garage to deliver the death sentence to the Audi (a last-minute reprieve seemed possible when I thought of someone I know who needs a car... but that was not the car for him).
And tonight five girls for gouter (brownie cake pops were a big hit), tent installing, t-shirt painting, dinner and now singing. At some point I will have to be bad cop and go and impose a silence order before the neighbours get grumpy. I think I can now understand why people find teenagers intimidating. Last year these same five girls were sweet, funny, perfect company in fact. This year they are terrifying. Somehow they manage to be louder than the 482 boys (approx) CarbBoy invited to his last party. And so HUGE. I think I could take on CarbBoy and 4 of his pals, but if those girls all rushed me at once, I'd be toast. Scary. Maybe I'll give them a bit longer before lights out...
Anyway, this t-shirt design caught my eye. Now I'd best go and whisk up a batch of pancakes ready for breakfast.
And it turned out that I'm a rubbish replacement for Mr B - my barbecue was an epic fail. Happily the camp fire worked ok.
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