It begins....
The big computer has been full before, but now it's time to get serious and finally get around to giving iTunes its own space. I did try this a month ago, but something went wrong that resulted in a scary Time Machine restore and lots of downloading from the cloud. Of course I was too traumatised to write myself a little reminder note so, inevitably I will follow the same instructions and have the same panicky time.
This will also enable the long-awaited move of the big computer to the office, instead of it perching disdainfully on a narrow console table next to the TV and almost certainly contributing to the shoulder pain that I've been in denial about for the last six weeks, and in particular the past three sleepless nights.
In other news, busy Wednesday was busy despite there being no school. I finally found the right screwdriver to take the curtains down at school, had a meeting at the bank and ordered TallGirl a payment card (eek), and then enjoyed the Goldilocks gardening weather to clear the terrace, plant tomatoes and parsley and paint the tomatoes blue (I hope I'm in time with that). Later the usual activity taxi service, much (fun) internet ordering, a quick dinner made (but not eaten) and out to a meeting where I picked up a Vice-Treasurership to add to my list of unpaid jobs. And marvelled at the inability of people to understand a perfectly simple concept in their own language. But then who am I to mock? I'll get back to you on that when I've figured out iTunes.
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