The lavender is finally starting to come out, mysteriously three weeks behind all the other lavender in the neighbourhood. I obviously chose slow lavender. I suppose it spreads the joy for the bees.
Busy day, starting with a slow morning dealing with a very broken transmission thingy on the car which almost had me telling the girls to walk to school. Happily by the time Mr B got up, me and the internet had figured out the solution (fingers crossed) and so we all headed off in the other broken car to take CarbBoy to his tutor and buy the solution.
Not enough solution (transmission fluid) was in stock, but arrived later for collection after CarbBoy's unexpectedly cancelled basketball training. I was expecting to have a hard (both emotionally and language-wise) conversation with his coach at basketball about why he'd been put in a different team than usual for the big end of year tournament this weekend, but when I broached the subject with CarbBoy he was delighted : "yeah, they're my best friends at basketball" being his exact and very excited words, which made me feel a bit foolish as I'd just spent 20 minutes boring on to Mr B about how heartbroken CarbBoy would be to play with different kids. Turns out I know less about my 9 year old than I thought.
I also know less about varnishing than I thought, or so I'm told, and have been sacked from yet another DIY job. I am trying very very hard to hold my tongue as regards other DIY in the house... Ah well, more time for the garden.
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