Back to Elford Hall Gardens

Thank you for asking about my arancini yesterday.  They were delicious - but I am hopeless at deep fat frying so I need to either practise or find another way of finishing off the delicious rice balls. I've found another recipe in Carluccio's book which seems simpler, but as ever, Gordon Ramsay's recipes are absolutely de luxe and worth the extra effort.

I got my tickets for Jonas Kaufmann in "Carmen" at Covent Garden next November.  They went on sale this morning at 9.00 am and I was on line. So  many tickets had already gone (to patrons who pay even more than my exorbitant membership fee) so I could only snap up three high up  in the Amphitheatre.  Well, I could have paid several hundred pounds, but as long as I take my binoculars, it will be fine.

Gorgeous morning.  I headed off to Elford Hall Gardens with my camera and had the place entirely to myself.  A choice of blips today - with a speckled wood, bees in abundance, poppies and other blooms. I've included a couple of extras too.

This year's search for a poppyfield is not proving very fruitful. However, I glimpsed one from the road as I was heading from Elford back to Fisherwick.  I will return....

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