Back to the woods

Sunday is not a day to start at the Gym.  They open later and it gets so full. The earlybirds all arrive together and then the kids and classes invade about nine. The Aquafit lady is so loud you can hear her in the carpark (think Specsaver advert)

So I eased my way into the day, read the paper and decided that I would have to go and see if the treecreeper had reappeared in the woods - or face being a stiff wreck all day.

No sign of the treecreeper, but a lovely walk. Canine rush hour so no chance of the bunnies or the deer. A couple of squirrels waiting for some unsuspecting walker to fill up the feeders. The marsh orchids are appearing (I fear not as many but then I may be wrong).  Too dismal for butterflies.

But it was gorgeous.

And the one patch of daisies looked lovely.

Following my discovery of wonderful Sicilian Arancini - and a Gordon Ramsey recipe - I will be trying to make my own this evening. Wish me luck.

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