Sleep strawberries and surprises

Sleep, overrated. Somehow survived the day which started at 4:20 this morning. Managed to get Wom back to bed around 8, planned a snooze in the sofa with munch.....40 minutes later he was bouncing in the cot.

Went to piggy farm and met up with a friend. Love going out with this friend as Munchie responds to the mummy and we have very similar parenting views, always a winner. Munch had great fun strawberry picking, Wom enjoyed eating them.

Home. Paddling pool in drizzle, but was so warm. Charlie and Lola marathon, made pizza for lunch.

After several recent episodes where I have ended up carrying Munchie whilst pushing Wom, or putting Wom in the sling and pushing munch, followed by massive protests from my back i concluded I needed to do something. Messaged a friend who had a double buggy, we now own a double buggy. It's truly amazing. Fabulous to steer and perfect. If you are reading this Ruth, the bottle of fizz I got you is still in the fridge, sorry, fail, will get it to you ASAP.

Daddy home very late, munch was verging on hysterical by bath as daddy always home by bath on Friday nights. When he did get home she cried.

Ordered Chinese for tea.
Sleep, (would be lush)

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