
Munchie slept from 5:10-5:20!
Wom stirred twice in the night but dream fed, Which was not too bad.

Both did well, but once again, munchies stamina, or lack if it, reared its head. Before she had CP she seemed capable of so much more.

Home, both slept. I got work done.

Arranged to meet a friend at softplay, plan was no sun hats, suncream needed. It was shut. Headed to find a park. Park padlocked. Ended up at the pub! Massive bear garden. Then went to theirs for paddling pool, sand pit fun. Munch loved it.

Home. Daddy had sorted out munchies swimming pool, or is it a paddling pool. Even though it was cold, she happily played in it for a while, Wom had a paddle.


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