A rather lovely day

To complement the rather horrid night.
Teething and nightmares peppered our night. Felt a bit bad as I went to Munchie, settled her, she was fast asleep so I closed my eyes, woke up about thirty minutes later with her not in the bed with me, located her, fast asleep next to daddy, who had a fast asleep Wom on hus tummy. Left them to it and went back to munchies bed. Left daddy in bed this morning and had a loveky time downstairs with the monkeys.

Everyone dressed and ready so off we headed to the royal three counties show. At £21 a ticket we were both determined to have a fab time. We did.

We saw pig, sheep, cow judging, horse / truck racing, drank cider in the rain, giggled with Wom, chatted with munch, just a lovely day.

Both children crashed once in the car, no surprise with Wom as the had only had a 10 minute snooze in the car going. Munchie loves the double buggy, happily walking when she wanted and riding when she wanted a rest. It's so easy to push, definitely helped make the day a loveky one. (Before anyone worries, Munchie stereos were loosened once home and on the drive)

So glad we braved the weather, definitely worth the adventure.

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