You are my sunshine!

Grim night, Charlotte running a temperature again, took longer to settle than previous night, but got there, got back into bed and, yup, you've guessed correctly, William woke!

Charlotte then woke around 5 so I went and got into her bed with her and we cuddled till 6:30

Rough this morning, no recollection of lee getting out of bed and taking Charlotte downstairs, massively behind on jobs then which sent me into a flap. Flap over, I took Charlotte swimming, lee stayed here and worked as William was fast fast asleep and it seemed wrong to wake him.

Her swimming was amazing today, she's almost lifting her whole head out of the water now to breathe, I was so very proud of her.

Home, sleep, lunch, paddling pool and slide combo. We then added the scuttle bug to the mix. Wee tastic and poo tastic in the potty today, one small accident but I'm blaming Ocado for that (Charlotte gets very excited when shop man arrives, think she just got distracted.

In William related news, he's now 10,15! omg he's doing so well, even mire omg was I had a HV round today that listened, suggested, listened and was nice. She's coming again in a month and I'm really pleased as she didn't make me feel stupid, a failure or anything! Whooppeeeee

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