
We were still trying to hang the TV on the wall when the Airbnb photographer arrived this morning. Luckily, HH had managed to finish the job by the time I ushered him upstairs (there was a bit of hiding tools and sweeping up to do). He turned out to be extremely pleasant and helpful and gave me loads of advice on how to use my camera. He also helped me discover why I haven't been able to use the remote - the wretched thing, which I bought new in the UK at Christmas, is simply a dud. Doesn't work. Caput before it ever triggered a shutter. So it wasn't just a dead battery (checked that again this afternoon), it was a born-dead remote - and I can hardly go back to England to complain about it. Grrrr!

We wound up all going out for quite a long lunch together, then I spent 2 1/2 hours in traffic to collect a TV we bought on behalf of our maid and dropping off a jacket a friend had forgotten at our house. Memo to self - NEVER go out in a car on a Friday evening, if you can possibly avoid it.

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