
By briocarioca


More than can be said for this shot. If a better blipportunity presents itself before I head for bed, I'll replace it. Found crowds of people milling around in the outer part of the bank when I went to see if I could withdraw some money (my card has no chip and I can't use it in the ATMs), and was told some people were being allowed in, but not to make deposits or withdrawals.

This is the time of year for collective bargaining agreements, which never satisfy the unions and their members (with good reason). While firemen, teachers, health workers and police struggle by on poor salaries, the politicians make sure to vote themselves fat pay increases. So, with the spotlight on Brazil because of the World Cup, the various categories are jumping on the strike bandwaggon. A couple of bus strikes so far, causing massive inconvenience to everyone, and the bank guards have apparently been on strike for two weeks already - didn't realize, as we do online banking. Not sure about teachers, who always used to come out at around this time.

People have very misconceived ideas about the Brazilian Labour party government - first Lula, now Dilma - lots of talk about lifting people out of poverty, but in general, their policies are ruinous for the country. And they're brilliant at deflecting corruption charges and packing courts and inquiries with their own people.

Do you get the idea that I hate politicians - at least, the Brazilian variety?

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