Beauty abused

It took a phone call from the physio to remind me about my weekly session - I was about to go out, searching for new bedspreads and cushions. We have a photographer coming from Airbnb tomorrow to take professional photos of our rooms and some sprucing up was required.

On the way, I spotted this beautiful butterfly on the curb of a busy Copacabana street. I've never seen one like it before, let alone in Copa. Alas, it had already lost a bit of its tail, and I fear it's chances of surviving the next hour were minimal.

Anyway, going to the physio turned out to be a boon, as the Chinese shop next door sells cushions and covers. I wasn't  able to find anything suitable yesterday, but found some here that work quite well and it saved me from going much further afield.

A friend rang from nearby later in the morning, so we invited her over for lunch - which turned out to be another boon, as  between us, we moved things around a bit and felt we'd done quite well. Still need to get HH to hang the TV on the wall....when will I be able to drag him away from the computer?

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