Dumbledore Enjoying a Shetland Chune

What a day!!  It's been cold and a chilly wind and we've had hail, sleet and snow showers but in between that, it's been a lovely sunny day looking out the window :)

It was a lazy start to the day, even though I was up early but no weather to do much but off to work I went.  It's been another busy day in the museum with plenty wanting to be out and about and we have a fine warm museum to stay dry in :)
After work, it just enough time to get my tea and then rush to the pub for a few hours to work.  It was fairly busy in the pub with some music on.
Mam and niece Elise have popped in this evening to see and now with a  chilly night, quick walkies with Sammy before putting my feet up :)

My friend Inga Scott and Michael Phillips have been giving us a tune in the pub tonight and it's attracted some attention from various folk, including Ciaran Hinds and Saskia Reeves.  Ciaran and Saskia are up here filming for the new series of Shetland, shame he wasn't here playing part of Dumbledore :)  I've been serving them too and they have been very friendly with great banter and a great interest in Shetland and how we say things, such as Peerie :)  Taken in Da Kiln Bar, Scalloway. 

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