Peerie Moose an a Sparrow

A very windy day with gale winds blowing all day but been bright and sunny through the most of it with showers now and again.

Up bright and early today and off to Lerwick to get a few things sorted
Back home and I got washing out, a general tidy around the garden and Sammy walked. The afternoon was spent out for a run in the car and on beaches before returning to the garden.
Working in the Shetland Museum again tonight to cover a shift and after work I have a birthday party to attend :)

While in the garden shed in the morning, I spotted a mouse running about but he vanished and my thoughts left quickly. When I returned in the afternoon I spotted the mice feeding on my bird feeder! I thought the birds had been eating a lot of nuts lately as they've been vanishing quicker than usual! I went back to the garden shed I had Blipped a few days ago and the mice were everywhere! Hanging from the roof, in boxes, on cans of paint, on the walls, in the bird feed etc! I put Archie cat in to have a look and hopefully he might scare them off! Still can't believe them eating the peanuts and with a poor peerie Sparrow having to look on. Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh.

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