Daffodils Along Da Road

It was a lovely bright sunny morning but a chilly wind remains.  The afternoon was still windy but it clouded over but it's been a dry day :)

Day off today and up early and out with a load of washing on the line.  Niece Elise came down to visit in the morning and I ran her over to Sandwick for the morning.  I went to Burra for a run in the afternoon before heading back home to pick up Elise again.  On the way, I picked up mam and niece Eve and we all headed to Maywick with the metal detector but had no joy finding any treasure :) 
I'm working in the pub again tonight, wonder if I'll meet anymore celebrities :)

On the way to Burra, I stopped off in Trondra for a look about.  This old derelict croft at Scarfataing was looking lovely with all the daffodils.  The grounds look well maintained but shame about the house.  

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