New Rhubarb

It was a cold and wet start to the day but it soon dried up and then blue skies and sunshine in the afternoon but remained chilly with a chilly wind. 

With the cold and wet morning, it's been a busy morning in the museum, well actually all day :)  Jack Chesterman was also opening a new art exhibition in Da Gadderie.  Some really lovely paintings but far too big for my peerie croft house.  
Fine to finish work and the sun to come out, even though walkies with Sammy was a bit chilly but it was dry :) 
A relaxing evening at home, working again tomorrow :)

I do love this time of year.  All the spring flowers are bringing colour to the landscape and all the plants are coming back to life after the long winter.  This old rhubarb has sprouted it's leaves again, might try and pick some when they ripen :)  Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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