One Last Castle of Sand

This one with an Easter theme.

I did make it out for the sunrise service at the beach, with my alarm going off at 5:45 a.m. I laid there for a few minutes (trying to talk myself out of getting up?), but finally roused.

The beach was packed, the sound system was bad, the moon was setting, and the sun (son) did rise. I thought of Lisa, and of my mom and dad.

I almost didn't build the castle because of the wind, but at 8:30, I started shoveling. 5 hours later, I uttered the same three words that Christ ended his life with..."" The castle was well received, including a question from a young man named Jacob. He asked..."Are the words He Is Risen...a God thing?" Yes Jacob, they are.

I think I'm starting for home tomorrow, and will probably be out of touch until I get home. See ya then. Click above to see the other side of the castle, and a couple of bird shots.


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