Saturday Night Visitor

On a lot of Saturday nights...we get a little visitor from the South-west (He lives 7 miles away.) Grandson Merrick comes to spend the night.

Perhaps, as he gets older...he won't want to come spend the night at Papa's and Mar-mar's...but for now...he likes to come, and we like to have him. I'm hoping that the weekly visits are creating some good memories.

He loves to be outside...doing outside stuff. We just came in from riding his bike, and shooting a few baskets. Cold out there after the sun goes down. 46F (8C), but fairly calm. It's nice to hear the birdies starting to sing.

After my 9 weeks in Florida, it's back to church tomorrow. My Sunday School lesson is done, and ready to go. The topic is hope, and I hope it goes well.

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