Three Bikes of Red

On our way home today (we had 400 miles to go), we tried to do a couple of things in Ohio.

These 3 bikes were taken at The Bicycle Museum of America in New Bremen, Ohio. The museum has a collection of 13 hundred bikes. In the mix was a bicycle built in 1816 by Draisine, but I chose to post what I thought were "pretty" bikes.

From top to bottom are: 1. A 1949 Schwinn Red Phantom. 2. A 1955 Huffy with a built-in radio. 3. One of the bikes used by Pee-wee Herman in 1985's Pee-wee's Big Adventure.

The price was right for the museum...2 dollars each for us seniors. I had been here before with my dad and our friend Mike. I asked the little girl at the cash register..."Have you taken out all the stuff that pertains to Lance Armstrong? I don't like cheaters!" "Yes sir, we have."

We then tried to do something that I've wanted to do for a long time...the factory tour where they make the iconic Airstream travel trailer. We got there at 1:55 p.m., for the 2 o'clock tour. The tour guy started in...

"I've been working for Airstream for 58 years. I started out in the factory, but for the last 15 years, I have been giving tours. I love my job, because I just love meeting people."

For 28 minutes, the guy rambled on with his slow drawl. 28 minutes, and we hadn't left the reception area. The young kids were restless, as were us old folks. Should I really care that Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock own Airstreams? Should I really care that the tour guide did not like Jesse James, Bullock's ex-husband? I'm sure the man is a swell guy, but c'mon...GET US OUT TO THE FACTORY!!!

Since we still had many miles (180) to get home, we snuck out after his opening spiel. Sooooo, I STILL haven't taken the tour.

We pulled into my daughter's place at 6 p.m., and she had a delicious dinner made for us from a recipe she got on Pinterest.

Car unloaded. Many bags to unpack, many things to put away.

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