Four Flyers and a Night Heron

After yesterdays sand castle endeavor, I had a rough time getting out of bed this morning. My body talked to me, and it wasn't a pleasant talk. "Hey Sandman, you need to retire." "HA...NEVER"

I needed to limber up, so the ladies swim exercise class was calling my name. 9 women and myself. Oh, and Billie Jo, our "instructor" on CD.

I'm going to miss the girls. Kris, Nancy, Jan, Joyce, Joyce, Lorraine, Karen, and Mary (among others). Good girls. 

I waited until 2 p.m. before hitting the shore, waiting for the fishing boats to come in. The Eddy Lee  (A charter fishing boat) did not disappoint. Among its customers today was a groom-to-be, along with his groomsmen. Quite a bachelor party. Click above for a few other shots. One shot is of a boat named the Sexy Lady.  Speaking of sexy ladies (can I get away with that?), if you haven't already, stop by and wish Shelley a happy birthday. She is @#$%^& today.

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