A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Cool as

There's an ice-cube in there. Last week someone on here recommended ice cubes for teething. I think Albi liked it for that. But we loved it for the marvellous entertainment value of her leaping and pouncing on it all over the kitchen and garden.

Helpfully distracting for me too to have something so lovely to entertain me on a day when I have worried and anxieted (what is the past tense?) about two work things for tomorrow.

And a very distracting evening at puppy class where Albi behaved very well and was demo puppy twice and didn't embarrass us. It exceeded our expectations all round in many ways. Not least as Anna did lots of the training and was fabulous with Albi.

So not looking forward to tomorrow but if all goes horribly wrong I shall spend the whole of Wednesday with ice cubes and a puppy!

Lesley x

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