A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Making mountains II

This morning the jetlag really hit. Slept and slept.

Woke just in time to make it out to watch J's football game in the most glorious sunshine and warm temperatures. I don't know about spring, it felt like we had skipped straight to summer. The boys lost but played so well they seemed okay with it.

Afternoon of garden furniture shopping (the good weather had better continue), homework, roast chicken dinner and setting up our new Wii Fit Plus. Generally all good. Some moments of both poor parenting and childing (is there a word for their bit?) but all went to bed happy so could be worse. It's hard to know what to do for the best sometimes.

This should probably be a sunny outdoors picture, perhaps at the football match but Anna had worked so hard on her mountain I wanted to include the final result.

Lesley x

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