All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Oil, Vinegar & Little Hands

Ever since Ethan was in hospital last month, getting him off to bed and getting him to sleep through the night has been a big problem. I didn't push it too much initially as I knew his routine would be out the window anyway when we went to Majorca. But now we're back, I've been trying to get things back to normal.

By doing "kiss & retreat" I have managed to get him off to sleep between 7.30pm - 8.30pm most nights, but he panics when he wakes during the night and ends up howling and more often than not, comes into our bed. Last night, hubbie did bedtime with Ethan as I was doing overtime and it didn't go well. Ethan didn't go to sleep till about 10pm and by 2.30am was up crying. Try as I might, I could not get him back to sleep. He didn't want cuddles in his bed but wanted through to our room so as I was knackered I gave in. Five minutes later he wanted back to his bed, then a short while later was crying through there again so came back to us. Then wanted back to his bed again. By 4am I was at my wits end and for the first time was getting really angry with him (normally I'm frustrated but not angry). I went marching through to his room yet again only to see him throw up everywhere. Now I felt really bad for being angry! I suspect he was sick because he had got himself in such a state though. So he ended up through in our bed again where he finally went back to sleep although by the time I'd stripped his bed and got the washing machine on, I didn't really sleep again. Think I managed a broken 3 hours all night which is worse than during his early baby days.

So it was a tough sleep deprived haze of a day today. Fortunately I was wfh today which made it easier.

Got him off to sleep by 8.30pm tonight. He kept asking about scary man and scary people in his room so I've assured him there aren't any. Wonder where that has come from and if he has been having nightmares which have scared him. Will see how tonight goes.

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