bucks life

By bucksmiss


I slept well and had a lovely sit down brekkie with my friends and Smudge the gorgeous, floppy eared rabbit bouncing around at our feet. S and J disappeared off to church and I had a nice chat with J over a final coffee before heading off down the M69 and M40 to C's for a delicious roast lamb lunch.

O was there and it was very nice to see her. She brought me some pretty little cyclamens. Young Tilly was lying spread eagled on her, fast asleep, in her cute grey knitted all in one with the sheep on the front that I gave her for Christmas. Too cute for words. O is always good with the little ones I must say. She seems to be a very calming influence on them.

I gave C the three little outfits I bought for Tilly this week and she was pleased with them I think. Teddy was a happy bunny, though pretty snotty, as ever. He did a number two in the loo while we were there. Very grown up, though perhaps tmi!

I've come home to change yet more beds, do a bit of ironing and to tidy up generally after a lovely lazy and sociable weekend. The lodgers are not back til tomorrow, so I've got a clear run tonight.

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