bucks life

By bucksmiss

King Kong

A free day! Lie in. Loads of ironing done. More to do. Twas a beautiful day so what did I do? Went and sat in the cinema all afternoon. Perverse really. I was on my own but in a huge crowd. Prefer it when it's emptier I must say.

The blip was taken on the way out at sunset. I have no idea what King Kong was doing outside Nando's in Milton Keynes but I think he made for an unusual shot.

Watched 'twelve years a slave'. What a difficult film to watch. I didn't really know what to expect and should probably have been prepared for the horror and violence of it all. Relentless. Upsetting. Renders one speechless really. Humanity really has gone through some dark periods. Slavery being one of the worst I should think and not that long ago really. Made me appreciate my quiet, warm, peaceful house when I got home to an extent I rarely do. Freedom. A small word but a huge deal. Same with independence. I take them both for granted daily. I shouldn't.

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