2014 more running needed

By Brianporterrun


Not the greatest photo in the world.
But it's more the significance than the photo itself.

Today The Olympic Flame passed from Greece to the Host Nation. That will be us then.

The Princess Royal received The Flame. Not because of her Royal Status but because she is President of The British Olympic Association. And as a former Olympian she must be particularly proud the receive The Flame.

Tomorrow The Flame will arrive in Britain and on Saturday Ben Windows will be the first to carry The Flame in this country.

I receive The Flame exactly half way through its journey, on day 35 of the tour of The UK.

So it's now 37 days and 35 sleeps (knocked a sleep off because I won't sleep the night before!) Until I get my moment. It's still not sinking in.

We also got a letter today offering a full refund on some PPI we took out, even though we had claimed on the policy!

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