The Wren

By TheWren

Homeward bound

An enormous thank you to those of you who accompanied me on my holiday, especially those who left comments, stars and hearts along the way. It was wonderful to read your comments whenever I managed to get into WiFi and upload my blip. Normal service will shortly be resumed and I look forward to catching up on some journals I have missed seeing.

The ship duly docked in Southampton at 7am and we disembarked at 10 am, collecting our luggage from the hall at the terminal and finding my daughter and youngest son waiting for us in the car park. We then drove back to Reading and had a lovely welcome from a very excited Bruce and the rest of the family. Unfortunately we had to head off home that same day as both MeaMo and I are due to help with the invigilation of SQA (Scottish Qualifications Authority) exams on Monday.

Bruce had been really well behaved in our absence and the family were really sad to see him climb into our car as we prepared to start the long journey home. We did not leave until 3:30pm and so were in for a very late night return. Luckily the roads were very clear and the weather exceptionally good. Bruce, as usual, was a brilliant passenger and we never heard a squeak from him the entire journey. My blip today was of the wonderful night sky welcoming us back to the hills! Notice how quiet the road is!

We arrived to our respective homes just after midnight and, after I had settled a very happy Bruce, I left the suitcases where they were and sank into my bed wondering whether I would be able to sleep in a bed that didn't move and without the soothing drum of the ship's engines!

I will be collecting Cara tomorrow and my little family will be complete again!

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