The Wren

By TheWren

So, tell me ......

When Cara came home there was a great deal of tail wagging and general euphoria from both dogs and I could almost hear them exchanging notes on their various experiences over the past two weeks. "So, tell me Bruce, what have you been up to down in Reading?" "Well, they say that I was very, very good, although I did growl a bit when the youngest one tried to take my ball away!"

As soon as I had breakfasted I couldn't wait to get out on the moor and they obviously felt exactly the same. The moment they were released from their leads they were off, tails high, in search of new smells and old. Despite the fact that it was incredibly cold - in fact I have been warmer in winter! - with a bitingly cold wind, the three of us had a wonderful walk and returned home exhilarated....(at least I was and I assume they felt the same in doggy terms!)

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