Building 101

Another trip down what is turning into one of my favorite country drives. 62 and sunny. I know you can't eat the day...but it is just scrumptious. It's a shame I have to mow the lawn after I'm done being a Blipster.

I was shooting a robin in a tree when the nest caught my eye. Then a huge wing-spanned bird flew into it. Had to be a heron, and it was. Upon closer inspection...there were two nests, perhaps 20-25 feet apart. Must be relatives, because herons are usually very territorial.

I'm going to assume the 2 moms were sitting on the nests. Dad (the flunkie) had the job of flying off to break off the branches. Upon his return, Mom would take the branch, and do the important job of putting it in just the right place. Nice teamwork...but no doubt of who was in charge.

I watched the male in the higher nest make 5-6 branch runs. He was a-workin. He would transfer the branch, give her a little peck on top of the head, rest for a few minutes, then take off again.

This picture has to be the lazy brother-in-law. This branch run was the only one I saw him make. Plus...he's holding on to the branch as if he's saying..."How's this one Sugarplum? Did I do OK? Is it to your liking? If not...I'll go find another." Sickening to watch. Give her the branch, and have her make do. Man Bird up!

I wish the nest was a little closer. So high in the sky!'s part of the National Cemetery, and there are No Trespassing signs everywhere. I'm thinking about stopping at the office to see if I could get permission to trespass. No harm in asking.

Speaking of manning up...before I mow the lawn...I have to tidy up the kitchen, and get a load of laundry in. It's always something!

On my flickr page...I put on another couple of shots of the harder working heron.

Click on LARGE to get a better look at the mamby-pamby male.

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