
I was engrossed in a set of swans and a quartet of horses when my phone jolted me awake. It was 12:15 p.m., and it was my wife.

"Can you bring us something to eat?"

"Bring who something?"

"Me, Polly, and Molly." (Names have been changed to protect the guilty."

"What do you want me to bring you?"

"Just a minute...let me ask."

With 10-11 restaurants on our main drag to pick took them a few minutes to decide.

"Taco Bell...I guess."

I took the 3 orders and delivered the bounty. Just call me Chalupa Chip.

I thought about swan dining choices when I was driving up.

"Honey...what's for breakfast? "Seaweed!"
"Dollface...what's for lunch?" "Seaweed."
" Hey...White Wings...what's for supper?" "Seaweed!"
"I'm thinking about having the Snow Geese over for dinner. What can we serve them?" "Wellll...I don't about seaweed?"

Some of us are spoiled in our choices. Way too many to pick from. I drifted back into the past. "Well...Sonny...when I was your age...the only thing we had to pick from was McDonalds. 15 cent hamburgers and 12 cent french
fries,...AND WE LIKED IT! Burger King was not even a prince yet, and Wendy was just a gleam in Daves eye! A Subway was something you rode in the big city, and the KFC colonel was still a private." HEATIN UP NOW! "One more friend...can you believe that people actually used to make their coffee AT HOME? Spoilt...that's what you kids are...SPOILT!!!"

Think about that the next time you're eating in a nice restaurant. It could be seaweed.

Click on my flickr page for a couple of red-winged blackbirds. Fortunately for you...I don't know what they eat.

Click on LARGE for a closer look at the tasty treat.

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