michigan man

By outdoorguy


This is Charley, the chipmunk. He lives under my back porch. Both my front and back porches are made of bricks and concrete. The bricks fell apart, and left holes under the concrete slab.

My insurance company noticed the front porch, and forced me to fix it, or get new insurance. So, I mixed up some concrete, and patched it up pretty well. I put a big concrete pre-formed step in front of the back porch that covered most of the hole. There's a small slot where Charley can get home.

Friends tell me to cover it up, because they say that Charley will eventually get into things that he should'nt get into. I don't always see it when Charley goes out. I can't bring myself to cover up the damage, and possibly trap the poor little guy under my porch.

Such a softie.

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