Journey Through Time

By Sue

Red Tulips

First of all, thank you so much for all the stars and hearts these last couple of entries have garnered. I appreciate it so much because hearts are to precious to give away with utter abandon. Thank you, thank you.

Took a quick tour of the Wildlife Botanical Gardens near my home and even though I just blipped tulips, I decided to put these up. Tulips are coming into their gorgeousness now, so might as well enjoy them all we can. And this was the best image so, what the heck.

Went to grocery story, got gas, and now that I'm broke I might as well stay in and get some chores done.

So sorry to hear of the loss of Dick Clark. He had staying power that's for sure. I am in that age group...we rushed home from school so we could watch American Band Stand on television. I wasn't quite the crazy fan that I knew all of those kids who danced on that show, but I remember a few. It's how we learned dances, saw the popular singers, were kept in the know about what was going on in pop culture of the time. Important things if you are 13-14 years old. So long, Dick Clark...these tulips are for you.

Have a good day, Blippers....

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