Journey Through Time

By Sue

April Showers...

...turn into downpours, so this is it for the day. My third tulip image...macro on the raindrops. And heavily cropped!

Picked up my aunt's present to my husband for his June birthday at JCPenney via It is hidden under the bed for now. He won't read this: So it's an outdoor lounge chair that reclines. I did go to the gym today. My first trip. I found out about how the lockers worked but wasn't really mentally prepared to do anything too just kept my purse with me as I did some bicycle stuff while watching the Food Network. Then I checked out the ladies locker room again to get the lay of the land, so to speak. And now..back home in time for some lunch. And to watch it rain, rain, rain. But, it's a warmish rain...and this weekend the weather does a reversal and all this warm air from California will be heading our way. A nice respite from the showery weather and a taste of summer.

Have a good day Blippers. See ya later, God willing and the creek don't rise.

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