A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

How to be an international women's knight

A good book for my own international woman-child to be reading today. Lots of questions about why only men got to be knights and giggling at the chapter called, "Let the lady take charge." In case you're wondering she can order servants to fight when her knight is away and can cook him a feast when he returns.

Reminds me of an incident recently when I was with J and someone* said being gay was disgusting. J's response was to tell the boy in question, "you're so 20th century". There are so many things I hope they view that way.

Still full of cold today but no trips to hospital, hot water and heating all day and no leaks so I'd say a big improvement on yesterday.

Lesley x

* a 9 year old who I shall give the benefit of the doubt to and assume he didn't really know what he was saying

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