A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Camping in disguise

Today could probably slip through the memory bank and it be no bad thing. The clues came early with J waking up in enough pain to require a trip to the hospital to check out a goalkeeping injury sustained yesterday and which had worsened overnight. Turned out to be a sprain and soft tissue damage so not too bad - he can't write but seemed to cope with an afternoon at school. Of course, all this happened on the one freak morning that Carl has left for work at 6.30am. After much persuasion Anna was deposited with a neighbour to take her to school. Got soaked taking J to school which didn't help my cold which has settled in nicely and shows no signs of moving out. And really wasn't helped by returning to a house with no water, no heating and another leak.

In the middle of the building site managed to participate on a conference call about some potential new work, which I would get more excited about were I not sooo busy feeling sorry for myself.

Things did pick up after school when J's spirits had lifted and Anna and her lovely friend Tash brought many giggles into the house.

Oh, and I nearly forgot...we are in sleeping bags tonight as we are covered in bites from bed bugs and having treated the mattress and bed frame today all our bedding is drying around the house after being boiled for hours on the hottest wash we have.

Still, things could be much worse....

Lesley x

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