Home alone!

Had an extra long lie but also weird dreams so finally got up. Plootered about and dogs looking at me (I swear they know when its the weekend and extra long walk time) Off we went along the Tayvallich road which is a single track pock marked, pot holed pretence of a road! Amazing the number of drivers that travel that road that don't have reverse gear on their cars, especially women!
Stopped off at a forrest track and took pooches out for a nice stroll until we arrived at the head of this loch (think its Loch Sween) anyhows the Abbie dog stood there and I thought hmm could be a nice shot!
Then drove onto Tayvallich to the shop and lo and behold closed at half past two in the afternon! they obviously don't need the money, mind you quite a lot of the folks staying out there are not short of a bob or two.
On the way back there were lots of cars parked at Barnalusgan and I thought maybe the Argyll beavers are out today, might be worth swinging in to have a look, then I remember I have the three dogs with me which would make me as welcome as a fart in a crowded room when it came to being quiet and looking for the beavers, so I passed.
Got home and was starving and too lazy to cook being as I am still home alone so buggered off to Lochigphead and got a cheese and onion toastie in the local cafe and do you know? it just hit the right spot! Now back home, fire roaring, dogs happy and me well I could do with a wee bit company so might phone my cousin to come up otherwise grand

The above pic might be best biggified!

Happy blipping all

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